The Unanimous Declaration of our Lord Through the Prophet Isaiah (Isa. 9:6-7)

November 1, 2024

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for God to clearly separate the kingdoms which had, prior to Christ, been  one, and to assume among the powers of heaven and earth the separate stations to which He has since divided them according to faith, a decent respect to the truths He has set forth in His New Covenant requires that we should declare the causes which impelled Him to make the separation.

We, the people of the kingdom of heaven on earth, hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, preeminent among these being the right and liberty to choose the lordship of His Messiah, and therefore which of the two kingdoms they wish to elect—that to secure these rights, two separate and wholly divergent governments are instituted among men: one ruled over by men, deriving its powers from God to rule over the unredeemed, and the other sovereignly ruled by the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace enthroned over the redeemed.

For whenever a former way becomes obsolete and ready to disappear, it is the right of God abolish and replace it, and to institute a new kingdom with a new government heretofore unavailable, laying its foundation and upon such principles, and organizing its powers in such a form, as to Him shall seem most likely to affect the citizenship, purpose, and powers of the redeemed. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that the difference between such disparate governments should be clear—one being a citizenship of flesh ruled by flesh, and the other a citizenship of spirit ruled by Spirit—so as not to be intermingled by the citizens of either.

Having been offered to us this new and lasting government accomplished by the zeal of God and built upon Christ’s shoulders—an ever-increasing government of peace established and upheld with justice and righteousness from the time it was first proclaimed at His coming and on into perpetuity—we now declare our independence from:

  • The folly, oppression, fear and chaos of the kingdom of man and its governments,
  • The desire to put right a broken kingdom no longer our own.
  • The deceptions and false tongues of those who rule within such governments, promising false peace and false security, empowered and inspired by the ruler of this world.
  • The anger, bitterness, frustration, and division fealty to such governments engender, and to the love of money, position, and power that is their foundation and mandate.
  • Moreover, entanglement in worldly affairs of state and the double mindedness of dual citizenship we formerly embraced.

Free paper stationery parchment illustrationAnd to declare our new fealty as good soldiers and patriots in the service of Christ, in part and in whole, to:

  • Our sole mandate, which is to ‘make disciples’ who then ‘seek first the kingdom,’ and bring the unredeemed and the redeemed-yet-unawares into that kingdom, employing as our only weapon the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,
  • Be in this world for the sake of unredeemed, yet not to be of it—no longer conformed to its kingdom, its love of money, and its desires of the flesh but transformed by the renewing of our minds into our kingdom come down from heaven and instituted among men.
  • The peace that is the cornerstone of our kingdom, and with it, freedom from the anxiety entanglement in politics and the matters of the flesh that once held us captive.
  • Moreover, to citizenship undivided and unencumbered to our world, our country, and our state: the kingdom of heaven on earth.

We now declare this world is no longer our world, its countries no longer our countries, its states no longer our states, and its kings and governors no longer our kings and governors, existing as we do in the flesh and subject to their mandates as commanded we are, for we have a new citizenship in a new kingdom and country, and our King is forever on His throne. His rule will not be usurped by anything man can or will do, therefore we know peace in the face of chaos and hope in the face of fear in our heavenly abode both purchased and secured.

This day we declare our independence and proclaim to all the redeemed who are torn by the anxiety of the kingdom of man and its governments, that the revelation and peace of our kingdom and of its government that rests upon Christ’s shoulders be upon you.

Michael Wolff,