Most think the first order of business for Jesus was to preach and do miracles. Look more closely, for another priority preceded those. In John 1, the Baptist told his disciples Jesus was the Lamb of God and they were to follow Him. After they joined, Jesus gathered the rest of His disciples. In the ensuing accounts from the book of John, Jesus performs His first miracle and delivers His first teaching.
So, Jesus’ first order of business—priority one before launching His new kingdom—was to gather His disciples so they could fully understand and experience it!
We find a similar set of chronologically organized priorities for the Holy Spirit when He was sent by Jesus to take the kingdom He brought, seal us with it, and turn us loose to spread it. After the Spirit descended on the Day of Pentecost, most think His first order of business was to send the apostles out to preach and to do miracles. Look again … again.
In Acts 2 the disciples had gathered together when they heard a violent rushing wind that filled the house they were in, the tongues of fire came down, and God’s new redeemed church was officially launched. Then Acts records that Jews from every tribe came together and the famous scene of the Acts 2 church unfolded. Not until Acts 3 do those led by the Spirit do what Jesus did after priority one was accomplished: a miracle. Once again, the first order of business, priority one, was to gather community!
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