Jesus’ stated mission was not to evangelize the Gentiles. Rather, it was to bring those children lost in His own house into a new kingdom. If the condition of God’s house isn’t right, it can’t possibly portray a proper picture of Him to those outside looking in. What had caused God’s children to become lost in their own house? I believe we are seeing history repeat itself as today something has caused, according to the polls, over 90-percent of those who call themselves Christian to be lost in their own houses of worship.
As before, I believe Jesus is coming to us again through the Holy Spirit to reach these precious lost sheep with the same message He brought and modeled before. I write this because Jesus has made His calling my calling.
Nowhere in America is revival more needed than among the sleeping masses in our pews, and nowhere will revival have a greater impact. We have many calling the unsaved to salvation, but who is discipling and calling the saved into the kingdom? How has this current imbalance in emphasis worked for us—for you?
This work is dedicated to those who, like Neo in the Matrix, can’t shake that gnawing feeling something is wrong in what we have come to call Christianity and Jesus has so much more to offer them. There is, and He does.
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