Pray O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! How magnificently You have displayed Your splendor, Your eternal power, and Your divine nature to all by what you have made! Even through the mouths of infants and babes You have revealed Your strength. The glory of Your majesty leaves those who take pride in their own strength without excuse. Your foolishness surpasses their wisdom, Your weakness surpasses their strength, and they are humbled and brought down.

As I consider Your creation and the works of Your hands—the heavens and the earth and all that is in them that You have made, I wonder who am I that You would think of me at all? Who am I that You would care for me? Yet You have made me but a little lower than Yourself and revealed to me things into which angels long to look! While I was dead in my trespasses and sin You sent Your Son to die for me. He left His throne on high, came in the form of a man and humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross to rescue me from the domain of darkness, and transfer me into His everlasting kingdom. Now I am crowned with glory and majesty from on high! Now I am clothed with Your righteousness and granted dominion over the works of Your hands on earth. Indeed, You have put all things under my feet and given me authority even over the principalities and powers of darkness. As I consider all You have done for me my spirit cries out, “O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!”

ConsiderBut Jesus said, “Let the children alone and do not hinder them from coming to Me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” The greatest warrior-king Israel ever knew danced like a child in a loin-cloth before God, reacting to what was in his heart regardless of what men thought. And with that same child-like faith He reminds us, through the simple trusting hearts and adoring lips of babes, praise glorifies Him and silences the evil one. When confronted by the totality of the blessing grace bestows upon ones who were formerly so unworthy, the man after God’s own heart cries out, “How majestic!” Are we willing to lay aside the false perceptions and fears of adulthood, open the wondering eyes of a child to the Spirit with us, and dance like unashamed newborns in the courts of God’s praise? Oh yes, the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these!